Publishing Services

Consulting Services


If you are seeking ideas to improve your manuscript, or are simply interested in learning how to publish your book, we can help. We offer group and individual training. Our presentations and seminars are designed to enable you to better understand the business of publishing in the digital world. Contact us for more information.

Editing Services


We use Adobe's InDesign, the industry standard, to transform your book into a beautifully designed print edition or digital edition, or both. You will be excited to know that we are among the most competitive in the business, and our service is guaranteed.  Our services include copy-editing, fact-checking, indexing, page design, permissions editing, production, and editorial proofreading.   Our product includes the following categories:


Design of Your Book Cover


Regardless of whether you are interested in the print or digital version, an attractive book cover is imperative. We will work with you to create an suitable design that is attractive and pertinent to your manuscript. Unlike many publishers who use stock photos, our work is guaranteed original imagery. This insures that your cover is unique.


Interior Design


This is your manuscript. We will format it to meet industry specifications and provide you a pre-publication digital release for your review and approval.


Publicity Services


We provide services based on your needs.  Promotions, advertising, and other publicity services are customized for your unique needs.